💵 Donations & Prayers🙏🏻


NOW It's Time We The People of America FILE The Correct Lawsuits Because NO ONE Is "Fighting" For Us Or Looking Out For Our Best Interests...We're ON OUR OWN...Our Sacred Right To Choose Everything In Our Lives, Through Our Vote...Has Been STOLEN! WE NEED YOUR HELP & CAN'T FILE THESE LAWSUITS WITHOUT YOUR DONATIONS! The Counties Control The Election Results & That Needs To END! We're EXPOSING The Election FRAUD & CORRUPTION That Really Happened During The Nov 8, 2022 Election In Maricopa County, AZ + How Our "Election System Operation" Works Nationwide...To Take Back Our Freedoms, States, Country & Elections!


Sex-Change Procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital Doctors said that they would stop such interventions. But whistleblower Eithan Haim has the proof they haven't!

on June 23rd, 2023, a few hours before my graduation from surgical training, two federal agents showed up to my apartment in a highly atypical, unexpected, and aggressive show of force. Despite their best attempt at launching a surprise interview, I insisted on having an attorney present. Before leaving, however, I was given a target letter signed by a federal prosecutor that stated I was being criminally investigated for a case regarding "medical records."

This is our opportunity to stand up for what is right and against those who abuse their authority to silence those who speak the truth. In this way the costs are minuscule. Whatever we have paid - whether financial, emotional, or career-wise - has been well worth it.

Help Rebecca Lavrenz, the "Praying Grandma" of January 6.


Rebecca Lavrenz is a 71-year-old grandmother from Falcon Colorado. On January 6, 2021, like millions of us, she saw a stolen election come to fruition, but she decided she needed to be there, at Washington DC, not to riot - but to PRAY.
She was convicted on all four federal misdemeanor charges for her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, protest of the 2020 presidential election results. The trial began March 25 in federal district court in the District of Columbia and ended after nearly 26 hours of deliberation, a 12-member jury found Lavrenz guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a capitol building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol. Now of course WE all know that had this been someone from the other side, they would have not only get a free pass, but also praised by the mainstream media. Since we are dealing with forces of pure evil in our country, we hope that you can help this innocent woman go through these harsh times.




Corey and Diana Sullivan met in middle school, married at twenty-one, and are parents to three beautiful children: seven-month-old twins Amelia and Christian and four-year-old Arabella. Their children were all born by in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Last year, the Georgia state government stole Corey and Diana’s children because Amelia has multiple diagnosed medical conditions, and the government doesn’t want to acknowledge them. Corey was also arrested and faces decades in prison for a crime he did not commit. The Sullivan family has been fractured since.

Peter Navarro's Legal Defense Fund


Peter Navarro is a brave and dedicated American patriot who deserves a medal for his distinguished White House public service. Instead, they put Peter Navarro in leg irons -- and now they not only want to put Peter in prison. They want to put Donald Trump himself behind bars. This is outrageous, and you help Peter by contributing to his legal defense fund, whatever you can afford. Peter deserves our support. During his four years in the White House, Peter Navarro was one of Donald Trump’s most trusted and loyal advisors. As the top China Hawk in the White House, Peter not only saved thousands of factories and helped create thousands of manufacturing jobs. During the pandemic as the Defense Production Act Policy Coordinator, Peter Navarro helped save hundreds of thousands of American lives. In a civil suit Peter filed just days before his brutal arrest, Peter raised key constitutional issues that range from the illegal weaponization of Congress’ investigatory powers and its attendant violation of the Constitution’s separation of powers to the Constitution’s proscription against bills of attainder and the sanctity of executive privilege. Peter’s ultimate mission is to get these critical legal controversies to the Supreme Court and thereby put an end to the Democrat’s tyranny.

Muckraker: First Ever Film of the Entire Mass Migration Trail.

Muckraker brings us all the information about the corruption going on in our country and around the world. Watch their outstanding expose of the invasion into our country and consider to them!

Support Muckraker Today!



One of the most important things we do as Americans is cast our ballot on election day. Whether you realize it or not, it takes thousands of Americans to serve as election day poll workers across the country. Your county, even your precinct needs your help. This is an important job and help is always needed, encouraged and appreciated. This website is designed to make the process of applying to become a Poll Worker simple. Each state is different. They tried to simplify the process of finding where to apply to be an election worker. Many states have an online application and others you have to call to apply.

They need our participation as well as donations!

Fight for Roger Stone!


Till this day, Roger Stone, a victim of the Mueller Witch Hunt, is being persecuted by the evil forces of our government. His only sin was supporting president Trump. The exact same fake media outlets seek to imply that he was involved in or knew about the illegal storming of the Capitol on January 6th. This is categorically false and a smear, based solely on naked “guilt by association”, sly innuendo, and baseless supposition. Roger has been drained of its resources and needs our help!


Justice for Matthew Perna


Matthew Perna was 37 years old. On February 25, 2022, Matt hung himself in his garage, leaving behind his family, who were completely devastated. Matt was a January 6 Peaceful Protester who went to DC that day hoping that the election would not be certified and a celebration of historic proportions would occur. The FBI charged him with a felony of obstruction of congress. He lost his friends, his income, and the support of his community. The months that followed were gruesome. Hearings were constantly delayed and canceled.

Read more about his story and consider donating by clicking the button below.



Kidz 4 A Cause, Inc. The nonprofit organization’s mission is to empower children and young adults to make a difference in their community. Kidz 4 A Cause strives to cultivate a spirit of leadership and philanthropy amongst the next generation of charitable giving.

John Eastman's Legal Defense Fund


John Eastman served as President Trump's lawyer on several legal challenges arising out of the 2020 election, including President Trump's Motion to Intervene in the U.S. Supreme Court in Texas v. Pennsylvania et al., and Trump's own Petition in Trump v. Boockvar asking the Supreme Court to review three unconstitutional Pennsylvania Supreme Court decisions.Dr. Eastman also advised the President about constitutional ways to prevent illegal conduct of the election from determining the results, and he spoke before the President at the Save America rally on January 6. For his efforts to ensure a free and fair election, he was "retired" from his tenured faculty position at Chapman University's law school, where he had previously served as Dean, and had his classes and speaking responsibilities cancelled at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he was serving as the Visiting Professor of Conservative Thought and Policy.He has been targeted by hard core leftist activists who have filed a bar complaint against him, seeking to have him disbarred and thereby lose his source of income.He has also been subpoenaed by the hyper-partisan January 6 Committee in the House of Representatives, which is targeting anyone involved in election integrity efforts as well as those engaged in freedom of speech and association to voice their objections to illegality in the conduct of the election.Responding to both of these attacks has required Dr. Eastman to hire outside counsel, at significant cost to himself. We, as Americans, need to push back against illegal conduct in elections.Elections are the way we give our "consent" to government, and if they are not free and fair, We the People are no longer sovereign and we no longer have a government that derives its "just powers from the consent of the governed," as the Declaration of Independence promises.The stakes for freedom are high, and Dr. Eastman asks for your support.The funds raised will be used to pay for his legal team (responding to January 6 Committee and bar complaints, as well as bringing suits for violations of constitutional rights).

The Patriot Freedom Project


The men and women who stood up for what they believe was a fraudulent election are now suffering immensely, as they are being politically persecuted. Wives and children are in peril because of the wrongful detention of their husbands. We as Americans must rally behind these families and help them today! 

The Patriot Freedom Project was started to provide financial, emotional and moral support to the families of the J6 detainees. They are helping the families pay many bills and cover the costs of various emergent financial needs.

This is a great cause to volunteer your time and/or donate to!


Help the HEROES of Project Dynamo rescue Americans from Afghanistan and Ukraine!

Project DYNAMO is made up of volunteers, many of whom have military backgrounds. Collectively, they have years of experience in special operations and intelligence-gathering. These extraordinary civilians are doing what the shameful U.S. government fails to do: Rescue Americans and allies out of harms way. They are now accepting evacuation request from Ukraine! Let's help them in any way we can because they so deserve our support!