The Indoctrination of our children is a huge problem. It started decades ago, but has only recently come to light. This page will be dedicated to bringing you information and evidence that will prove it and also empower you to take the necessary actions to protect your children from the Left's efforts to radicalize them.

Shame on Disney!

Disney has gone bonkers! There is no other way to explain what we're seeing! This video is their latest production. No more Mickey & Donald or any of the figures we used to love... It is now all replaced by a disgusting leftist propaganda. If anyone tells you "This country was built by salves, " you tell him that this country was built, and still is being built, by WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Parents: Please LOOK AFTER your children and educate them the right way, or you might lose them to these Satanists!


Review these stories and be informed about the nationwide child abuse that is taking place!

Parents fight back after finding dozens of sexually-explicit books in Missouri school libraries


A Missouri school district is stocking dozens of books containing sexually explicit and obscene content on the shelves of its school libraries, according to concerned parents who have petitioned the school board to remove the materials.

DC Elementary School gave 4-year-olds ‘anti-racism’ ‘fistbook’ asking them to identify racist family members School


'It’s not your fault for having white privilege, but it is your fault if you choose to ignore it,' a presentation told kids in Pre-K through 3rd grade.
Would you send your kids to this school?

Public schools are grooming your children


On April 9, Oklahoma State University hosted a “drag queen story hour” for children as young as 2 years old on its campus. A description for the program stated two drag performers would read books to all attendees and that the drag queen story hour was geared toward children between the ages of 2 to 8, but that “all ages were welcome to join in on the fun.”

Disney's Partner Brings Grooming to America's Classrooms


Disney's educational partner backing secretive "gender support plans" rolled out to thousands of schools across the country. 

Indoctrination of our little kids in action! 


Math? Reading? Writing? Science? Nope. That's "old school." Our kids are being literally brainwashed with this garbage! Ask yourself: How will your kids advance in academic performance if THIS is how they spend their time in school?!?!

I’m a Former Teacher. Here’s How Your Children Are Getting Indoctrinated by Leftist Ideology.

"As someone who has worked in education for four years, I have seen firsthand how your children are being ensnared by the left and their teachers."

The abuse of our children by powerful organizations

Secrets of Miss America

“Secrets of Miss America” delves into the long-kept secrets of America’s oldest beauty pageant, exposing the shocking scandals at its core. A cultural event once viewed by 80 million people a year, the pageant now struggles to stay relevant to a new generation of Americans whose views on beauty and sexual politics have changed drastically over the past few decades. The limited series analyzes whistleblower-leaked emails in 2017 exposing misogyny within the Board of Directors, claims of racism in the pageant’s history, the topic of mental health surrounding the competition and the banning of the controversial swimsuit competition. Told by pageant insiders—including more than 20 former Miss Americas telling their stories in one documentary for the first time—whistleblowers, contemporary contestants, executives and critics, viewers get a glimpse at the cost of wearing the crown and sash and how pageant culture perpetuated racism, bullying, body shaming, and much more.

Sadness, frustrations, nightmares: Complaints about Miss Illinois leadership center around one woman